Thursday, 26 April 2012

Lactic Acid for Growth

Bodybuilding - Lactic Acid for Growth

 We’ve all come to know the excruciatingly painful few seconds at the end of a set that relentlessly burn until you’re forced to drop the weight. As painful as those seconds are, you’ve got to live through them if you want to pack on monster-like muscle. An increasing amount of evidence supports the theory that lactic acid production triggers the release of powerful anabolic hormones such as testosterone and growth hormone. The presence of lactic acid in the blood after a gut-wrenching set may signal your body to crank up production of these crucial musclebuilding hormones. The best way to maximize your body’s production of lactic acid is to keep your sets in the 30-90 second range. This will tap into the glycolytic energy system, which produces lactic acid as a metabolic by-product during a set. If the average bodybuilder takes about two seconds to complete the concentric and two seconds to complete the eccentric phase of the rep, a twelve-rep set would take about 50 seconds to complete – an ideal time period for lactic acid production! If you can live through the agonizing pain of high-rep training, you’ll have all the lactic acid you need to send your body into anabolic overdrive

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Muscle pumps

Bodybuilding - Maximum Muscle Pumps

In your body right now is five liters of nutrient-rich blood. Your blood is the highway that carries vital musclebuilding nutrients such as anabolic hormones, amino acids, glucose and minerals to muscles for repair and growth. It makes sense that the more blood you can flood your muscles with during a training session, the greater your chances are to trigger fiber-splitting growth. 

Sets in the range of 12 to 16 reps are an excellent way to squeeze as much blood into your muscles as possible. With every rep, more blood is forced into the muscle being trained, so that by the end of the set, blood hyper-saturates every fiber. If your nutrition program is on track and you’ve read some of the nutrition articles on our site, then your blood will be densely packed with all the vital compounds necessary to activate hypertrophy.

The pump is so much more than a euphoric rush of blood – it’s a powerful physiological process that can trigger rapid muscle growth. Heavy sets of one to eight reps are a great way to get some attention in the gym, but they won’t give you the same extreme pump you’ll get from a higher rep set with a moderate weight that forces rapid increases in muscle size.

Friday, 20 April 2012


Bodybuilding - Explosive Growth with Glycogen Supercompensation

Bodybuilders know that muscles get bigger mostly from hypertrophy (an increase in muscle fiber diameter) and, to a lesser extent, hyperplasia (an increase in muscle fiber number). One of the most overlooked pathways to increasing muscle mass is to increase your muscle glycogen content. The average person stores about 400 grams of glycogen in muscle and about 100 grams in the liver. Factor in a well-designed training program and a diet rich in complex carbohydrates, and the average bodybuilder could accumulate up to 500 grams of muscle glycogen or more, depending on the amount of muscle mass and level of training experience.

Glycogen supercompensation occurs when muscle glycogen stores are emptied through a period of high-rep concentric training and a reduced carbohydrate diet, immediately followed by a period of increased carbohydrate intake and reduced training. During the glycogen depletion phase, insulin sensitivity is dramatically cranked up and your muscles are primed to receive a rapid influx of carbohydrates. When carbohydrates are cycled back into the diet, muscle glycogen tanks can be "supercompensated," or filled beyond the level they were at prior to the depletion. Accompanying every gram of glycogen that fills out your muscles is three grams of water. This super-hydrated intracellular environment means massive new gains in size and strength, all without changing the size or number of your muscle fibers!

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Tips for each Exercise

Bodybuilding Workout - Tips for each Exercise

Squats - Since this is your first exercise, you may want to do 2 or 3 short and easy warm up sets to get ready. This will be your hardest exercise most likely, so we put it at the beginning so you can throw everything you can at it. Lifting to failure on squats means almost falling down on your last rep. Be sure to go all the way down and have a partner or rack there to help you if needed.
Leg Extensions - Use a full range of motion. Go all the way up and all the way down.
Leg Curls - Use a full range of motion and do not "jerk" the weight up.
Dumbbell Pullovers - Your first upper body exercise. Be sure to do a good warm up set so you do not injure yourself. Lift heavy and do not rest at the top of the movement.
Barbell Overhead Shoulder Press - Do these in front of your face, not behind the neck. You can injure your rotator cuff when doing them behind the neck. Go down until the bar is about at chin level, not lower. Slow, slow, slow reps!
Seated Rows - Keep your back straight up and down. Do not move far forward or lean far backwards. You want to be squeezing together your shoulder blades!
Bench Press - Slowly, go down and touch your chest around your nipple area. Do not use momentum to get the weight up. Use a spotter and get an extra rep with his help to really blast the muscle.
Barbell Bicep Curls - Do not sway! Keep your elbows at your side and do not move them. Squeeze your biceps upward.
Tricep Extensions - Keep your body straight up, do not lean over too much.
Weighted Pullups - If you can't do pull-ups, do pulldowns. Do these slowly and go all the way up and down. Use the wide-grip bent bar.
Weighted Dips - Strap on the weight! Keep your body straight up and down, do not lean over too much. You want to be working your triceps, not your lower chest.
Standing Calf Raises - Go all the way down and up. Don't use too heavy of a weight where you can only do partial reps. Feel the burn!
Abs - Choose a good exercise that uses some resistance. Don't work your abs on any off days. Abs are normal muscles just like your shoulders and chest!

Friday, 13 April 2012

Personal Home Gyms Guide

Personal Home Gyms Guide - Selecting the Best Home Gym Suited to your Needs

What Are The Best Personal Home Gyms For You?

The biggest lure of buying home gyms is the convenience and privacy that a home workout station offers. When buying home gyms, everyone has different goals and purposes, and to buy home gym equipment that will best fit your needs, there are some key factors you need to consider:
- What are your goals for this home gym, and what you hope to achieve
- Do you have enough room to place it
- What's your budget for a home gym
- Consider free weights vs. machines - what's better for you
- Consider weights based machines vs band resistance based machines
- Buying a home gym vs. going to public gyms
The above are some of the key points I considered while shopping for a home gym for myself.

Personal Home Gym Advantages & Disadvantages

Now lets take a quick look at some advantages and disadvantages of owning a home gym:
Home Gym Advantages:
- easy access, right in your home, and convenient
- you have the privacy of your home
- great for general fitness, but not for serious muscle building
- gives a decent overall body workout in a relatively small area
- relatively versatile
- does not require a spotter (in most cases)

Personal Gym Disadvantages:
- can get very, very pricey (great weight loss for your wallet
- can never replace the atmosphere and motivation a real gym provides (if you're after great muscle gains)
- you have much less room to move around
- you're severely limited for what power movements you can do (like squats, bench, dead lifts)
- it's a plain pain in the ass to assemble when you get it
- there's a much greater tendency to be lazy and slack off working out at home (I think most of you would agree on this with me

Please note, some of the advantages and disadvantages are coming from a point of view of gaining muscle mass - mainly my point of view. You could be in a very different situation, and some may not apply.

Thursday, 12 April 2012

No Weight Loss

No Weight Loss
Dear Michel,
By: Natasha Turner
The inability to lose weight while following a seemingly perfect nutrition, exercise and supplement program is very frustrating and unmotivating. This inability to lose weight can arise from a number of different causes, but two main causes contributing to this problem include:
* Medications - antidepressants, high blood pressure pills, corticosteroid medications, hormone replacement or birth control pills, cancer treatments and many other medications.
* Hormonal imbalance and medical conditions associated with hormonal imbalance - hypothyroidism, autoimmune disease, Cushing's disease and other conditions.
Hormonal Balance
Fat loss is so dependant upon healthy hormonal balance, that unless we are well and in hormonal balance, it can be unattainable. Our hormones influence all of our cells - the brain, skin, hair, bones and more. They control growth, development, metabolism and reproduction. Hormones also influence where we store fat and our ability to lose it.
PMS, hypoglycemia, cravings, fatigue, mood changes or sleep disruption are subtle signs of hormonal imbalance. We should thank our body for these clues because they tell us we need to take necessary steps to get back in balance -through nutrition, exercise, supplements, lifestyle changes and even altering the way we think. Yet, since these symptoms are so common, they are often ignored or accepted as normal. It's only after a more serious health concern arises are we forced to pay attention to what our body is telling us.
Many different types of hormones impact our wellness and body composition. Becoming familiar with these hormones and their associated symptoms of imbalance allows us to alter our habits sooner, achieve optimal health and maintain fat loss. Let's discuss a few of the major players.
We now know obesity is preceded by high insulin in the fasting state. Insulin instructs the body to store sugars as fat if they are not consumed as fuel. When insulin levels are too high, weight accumulates in the "love handles". Cravings, chronic hunger, high blood pressure or high cholesterol can also indicate insulin imbalance. Abdominal fat related to insulin excess is not only unsightly; it also poses a serious long-term health for metabolic syndrome, diabetes and heart disease. TrueCoQPlus, TrueLean/ABS and TrueLeanExtreme can be particularly useful in this case. To determine if insulin is the cause of your weight loss problems or for more information about insulin, refer to the trouble-shooting sheet on insulin resistance and fat loss.
Thyroid Hormone
Thyroid hormone regulates metabolism. If your metabolism slows down, weight gain may result - sometimes even with proper diet and exercise. It is important to note that not all individuals experience weight gain when an insufficiency of thyroid hormone exists. Symptoms can vary and may include:
* Cold intolerance, feeling cold
* Dry skin
* Lack of or diminished ability to sweat during exercise
* Hair loss
* Irregular menses or heavy menstrual bleeding
* Constipation
* Unexplained fatigue or lethargy, depression, poor concentration
* Unexplained weight gain or an inability to lose weight
This is a very common cause of weight gain and weight loss problems. Three tests must be completed by your doctor for thorough assessment of your thyroid function - not just the TSH. TSH, Free T3 and Free T4 should be measured in all cases of a suspected thyroid condition. TSH levels should be less than 2, while T3 and T4 levels are fine if they measure in the middle range.
Cortisol allows us to cope with long-term stress, whereas adrenalin is the hormone involved in the immediate response to stress. Chronically elevated levels of cortisol destroy muscle fibers, suppress immunity, affect memory and concentration, weaken bone mineral density and contribute to cancer. Stress kills your "mojo" and if all this is not incentive enough to address your daily stressors, stress also causes increased abdominal fat and interferes with thyroid hormone. If you suspect stress to be a cause, add TrueStress Support and visit the coping stress page in the Attitude section of
Estrogen and Testosterone
Pre-menopausal women suffering from PMS, uterine fibroids, fibrocystic breast, abnormal pap smears, ovarian cysts or stress may have abnormally high estrogen levels compared to progesterone, a condition called estrogen dominance. It is essential to address this abnormal level of estrogen early, otherwise menopause can be problematic and the risk of estrogen-related cancers (breast, uterine) is increased.
When estrogen levels are high during the pre-menopausal years, more body fat is common, particularly around the hips and thighs, but the right balance of progesterone relative to estrogen can prevent this pattern of weight gain. At menopause, many women accumulate weight around the waist rather than the hips. This "apple shape" over the "pear shape" is a result of hormonal changes at menopause, including a drop in estrogen and progesterone often coupled with an increase in cortisol and insulin. Men tend to possess more estrogen as they age which can lead to an accumulation of abdominal fat and an increased risk of heart disease. Testosterone naturally lessens in both sexes with aging and stress. This contributes to muscle loss, decreased bone mass, increased body fat, decreased energy and lack of libido.
Growth Hormone
Human growth hormone is released after strenuous exercise and during deep sleep following the release of melatonin. Growth hormone orchestrates the process of repair, rebuilds lean body mass and bone and influences body composition. Without enough sleep, the body will not repair as effectively and as a result, this leads to premature aging and weight gain. Not sleeping enough or in complete darkness will decrease our production of melatonin, therefore altering growth hormone release. Fortunately, growth hormone levels can be replenished by improving sleep habits, stress management and by taking the right supplements including TrueRENEW. This product contains amino acids known to stimulate GH production.
Our "happy hormone", serotonin, controls appetite and cravings. If levels are low, cravings for carbohydrates become stronger, making it difficult to avoid unhealthy carbohydrate choices such as cookies, pastries or muffins. Simply taking chromium or supplements containing 5 HTP that increase serotonin production can prevent cravings and reduce weight gain. Look for TrueCRAVING Control, it has both of these beneficial ingredients and it is safe for long-term use.
By paying close attention to subtle signs, hormonal imbalances that may alter body composition can be recognized and treated. Once hormonal balances are identified, a harmonious blend of nutrition, sleep, supplements, exercise and, more importantly, a positive mental attitude can contribute to the perfect balance for weight loss and wellness.
NutriSearch Comparative Guide
NutriSearch Comparative Guide

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

6 Weeks To Sick Arms

 6 Weeks To Sick Arms

Grow like a pro with the ultimate science-based program for insane gains!
When I used to train at Gibson's Gym in Manchester, Connecticut, one of the slogans on the back of the gym T-shirts read, "It doesn't matter what kind of car you drive. What matters is the size of the arms hanging out of the window."
Big arms not only symbolize masculinity, but they're also the most visible body part you have. So it's no surprise that big arms seem to be what every guy, and even many women, want.
Regardless of where you're starting from, this 6-week program will heap a noticeable amount of size onto your arms. Some of you can expect to put on an inch or more on your arms by the end.
This 6-week program is a progression that ramps up the training frequency (how often you train arms each week) starting at once per week in week one; twice per week in week two; and three times per week in weeks three through five. Then you back way off in the final week, number six, to just once per week again.
Trust me, there's a method to this madness.
Week one is designed to annihilate your biceps and triceps. You'll pull out all the stops, using negative rep training to really destroy every single muscle fiber you can in your arms.
You'll need a good week to recover from this onslaught. The next week pops your guns with lighter weight and higher reps. Volume will be low in these workouts, by design. You'll still be recovering from the previous week.

These workouts will help you to better recover from the previous week and will get you ready for the crazy three weeks that are to come.
In weeks three, four, and five, you will be hitting arms three times per week. If you think that sounds like overtraining, you're precisely right. But overtraining does not happen immediately. It takes several weeks to actually become overtrained. The technical term for training that can lead to overtraining is called overreaching.
And what's interesting about overreaching is that research shows that if your diet is adequate in calories, protein and carbs, as well as the right supplements, then you can actually capitalize on overreaching and turn it into a way to grow bigger and stronger.
Several studies from the university of Connecticut have shown that when subjects overreach for several weeks, during the two weeks following, they grow significantly bigger and stronger while taking it easy. The key is to stop the overreaching just before it turns into overtraining.
That's why you'll be training arms three times per week in weeks three through five and then switch it up to just once per week in week six. I also suggest that the week after week six you take it fairly easy on your arms and train them just once that week before getting back into any serious training programs.

The 3-day a week arm training not only is designed to shock your muscles into growing with frequent and intense workouts that cause overreaching, but it also takes advantage of the staircase effect for building muscle.
This refers to the fact that training activates genes in muscle fibers that are responsible for the many of the adaptations that take place, such as muscle growth and strength increases.
For example, consistent training activates certain genes that result in building more muscle fiber protein, which means more muscle size and strength. These genes are typically activated over hours, with some remaining activated for days.
Repeated workouts, if timed appropriately, can build upon the activation of the genes to reach an even higher activity level and greater muscle growth. This is referred to as the staircase effect.
In other words, let's say a certain gene involved in muscle growth is activated by a workout to the point that its activity is boosted by 100% following the workout, then slowly declines in activity over the next few days so that the day after the workout it is still up by 75%, and the second day after the workout it is up by 50%, then the third day it is up by just 25%, and finally on the fourth day after the workout it is back to the original level.
If you performed the workout on the fourth day after the first workout or later, then that gene would be bumped back up to 100% of its originally activity.
However, if you worked out on the second day after the first workout, when the gene was still up by 50%, then you could potentially bump up its activity to 150%. This could lead to even greater muscle growth and strength gains than if you waited to train again after the fourth day or later, like one week later.
This is one reason why training a muscle group every 48 hours could lead to even greater muscle growth and strength gains than training every seven days.
Of course, this program is not all about training frequency. While moving to more frequent workouts can help you to build extra size on your arms, to really get them up there in size will require pulling out all the stops. So intensity techniques, like drop sets, forced reps, rest pause, negative reps and supersets will be key in forcing them to grow.
These techniques will not only put more stress on the muscle, but they are also known to boost growth hormone levels. In fact, one study from Finland reported that subjects doing forced reps increased GH levels 3 times higher than when they just stopped after reaching muscle failure.

That extra growth hormone will be put to good use initiating muscle recovery and growth that will get that tape measure stretching. Another study reported in the Journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise that subjects using negative rep training led to high GH levels.
Another key element to this program is the constant switching up of weight amd rep ranges every workout to keep your arms growing. This is known as periodization, and research confirms that using periodization, which is the continual cycling of weight and rep ranges, produces the greatest gains in muscle size and strength.
One form of periodization that appears to be superior to other forms is called undulating periodizaion, which is simply the constant switching up of weight and rep ranges every workout. Research studies from both Brazil and the University of Connecticut have supported this form of training for making continued gains.
Since you'll be training arms pretty much every other day during weeks three, four and five, you may be worried about your arms still being sore when you train them. Don't be.
Research from Japan shows that when subjects workout intensely to cause muscle pain and train that muscle again just two days later and again four days later when the muscle is still sore, it does not impede recovery. Plus this can actually help them grow.
One study found that when subjects trained the same muscle group just two days, the catabolic hormone cortisol was lower. Since cortisol competes with testosterone, having lower cortisol levels during and after workouts can make you more anabolic and allow your testosterone to better enhance muscle growth.

Training Splits

To properly hit your arms during these 6 weeks, you'll need to alternate your training split. Each week you will follow a four-day training split.
However, based on the week and number of times you are training arms, you will be training on four different days of the week and pairing up different muscle groups each week.
Use the following training splits for each week of the Six Weeks to Sick Arms program.

Week 1

Use this training split during week one.
Monday: Triceps/Biceps
Tuesday: Legs/Calves
Wednesday: Off
Thursday: Back/Abs
Friday: Chest/Shoulders/Traps
Saturday: Off
Sunday: Off
Week 2
Use this training split during week two.
Monday: Triceps/Biceps
Tuesday: Back/Legs/Calves
Wednesday: Off
Thursday: Biceps/Tricep
Friday: Chest/Shoulders/Traps/Abs
Saturday: Off
Sunday: Off

Weeks 3-5
Use this split during weeks three, four and five.
Monday: Triceps/Biceps
Tuesday: Chest/Shoulders/Traps/Abs
Wednesday: Back/Biceps/Triceps
Thursday: Off
Friday: Biceps/Triceps
Saturday: Back/Legs/Calves
Sunday: Off
Week 6
Use this training split during week six.
Monday: Chest, Abs
Tuesday: Back, Calves
Wednesday: Off
Thursday: Shoulders/Traps/Legs
Friday: Triceps/Biceps

 Six Weeks to Sick Arms Workouts

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*To perform negatives use a weight that is about 20% more than your one-rep max and have a spotter help you through the positive portion of the rep. You should be able to slowly lower the negative rep for 3-5 seconds.
#Perform two rest-pauses on the last set by resting for 15 seconds after reaching muscle failure and continuing the set, then resting another 15 seconds after reaching muscle failure again, then continuing.
^Do two drop sets on the last set by immediately reducing the weight by 20-30% and continuing the set.
Week 2:
Monday: Triceps/Biceps
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Thursday: Biceps/Triceps
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Week 3:
Monday: Triceps/Biceps
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*To perform negatives use a weight that is about 20% more than your one-rep max and have a spotter help you through the positive portion of the rep. You should be able to slowly lower the negative rep for 3-5 seconds.
#Perform two rest-pauses on the last set by resting for 15 seconds after reaching muscle failure and continuing the set, then resting another 15 seconds after reaching muscle failure again, then continuing.
^Do a drop set on the last set by immediately reducing the weight by 20-30% and continuing the set.
Wednesday: Biceps/Triceps
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Friday: Triceps/Biceps



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Week 4:
Monday: Triceps/Biceps
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*To perform negatives use a weight that is about 20% more than your one-rep max and have a spotter help you through the positive portion of the rep. You should be able to slowly lower the negative rep for 3-5 seconds.
#Perform two rest-pauses on the last set by resting for 15 seconds after reaching muscle failure and continuing the set, then resting another 15 seconds after reaching muscle failure again, then continuing.
^Do a drop set on the last set by immediately reducing the weight by 20-30% and continuing the set.
Wednesday: Biceps/Triceps
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Friday: Triceps/Biceps







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Week 5:
Monday: Triceps/Biceps
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*To perform negatives use a weight that is about 20% more than your one-rep max and have a spotter help you through the positive portion of the rep. You should be able to slowly lower the negative rep for 3-5 seconds.
#Perform two rest-pauses on the last set by resting for 15 seconds after reaching muscle failure and continuing the set, then resting another 15 seconds after reaching muscle failure again, then continuing
^Do a drop set on the last set by immediately reducing the weight by 20-30% and continuing the set.
Wednesday: Biceps/Triceps
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Friday: Triceps/Biceps

Giant Set

Giant Set

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Week 6:
Easy arm workout - higher reps or moderate reps
Friday: Triceps/Biceps
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Six Weeks to Sick ArmsAdapted from the ebook Six Weeks to Sick Arms (Bowleg Media LLC, 2011), by Jim Stoppani, PhD.
Discover the scientifically proven methods that will transform your arms, adding inches to your size in just 6 short weeks using "The Arm Annihilation Method" developed by Jim Stoppani Ph.D.
This ebook is jammed with the training, supplementation and nutrition plans needed for great results.

Pre and Post Workout Nutrition