Thursday, 5 April 2012

Our liver, the body's main detoxification organ

Spring Cleansing from the Inside, Out
Dear Michel,
By Dr. Joey Shulman D.C., RNCP
It's finally here! After a cold, long winter, spring has finally arrived. In addition to sweeping off the front porch stairs and emptying out your closet, spring is one of the best times to cleanse your body from the inside, out.
Our liver, the body's main detoxification organ, is often under more stress during winter months due to lack of sunshine, overindulging in the wrong foods and a lack of fresh foods in the diet. Doing a five to seven day internal cleanse will leave you feeling lighter and more energetic and will help you shed any excess weight from your system.
I am not an advocate of engaging in a strict fasting cleanse-it is not necessary for most people. If you are interested in doing a stricter cleanse, please consult a healthcare practitioner prior to beginning. In addition, do not cleanse if you are currently suffering from an illness or infection.
Ten steps to spring cleaning your body
1. Fresh lemon juice is excellent at promoting smooth flow of bile through the gallbladder and at boosting metabolic function. Squeeze a piece of fresh lemon into room temperature distilled water three times per day.
2. Think green! Vegetables such as kale, parsley, watercress, unpeeled cucumbers and celery are terrific for encouraging liver function when eaten or juiced.
3. Begin your day with 30 to 45 minutes of exercise. This can include walking, stretching, weight bearing exercises or yoga. In addition to increasing energy levels, exercise also promotes healthy digestive function. To design the perfect exercise plan specifically for you, visit the Truestar Exercise Section.
4. Do not consume any caffeine (coffee, pop or tea). Herbal tea or steam distilled water is the beverage of choice. For added benefit, pick up liquid chlorophyll from your local health food store and add some to your water twice daily.
5. Eliminate dairy products for the entire cleanse. Dairy products are mucus-producing and can make liver function sluggish.
6. Eliminate all refined sugar from the diet such as that found in candy, cookies and pop. In addition to stressing the liver, white sugar has also been shown to suppress immune system function. If you are craving something sweet, which often occurs while cleansing, try having some fruit and yogurt or make a delicious Truestar smoothie.
Try TrueStrength, our awesome tasting protein powder!
7. Most of your diet should be from lean protein, healthy fats and low glycemic index carbohydrates. It is best to eliminate grains completely during the cleanse-stick to a low-carbohydrate diet. Complete the Truestar Nutrition Profile to design a low-carb meal plan to fit your needs.
8. When re-introducing grains, only include whole grain products such as quinoa, millet, spelt and kamut.
9. Go to sleep when the sun sets and awaken when the sun rises. This natural cycle will help to regulate your normal bio-rhythm and ensure you receive enough restful zzz's.
Try TrueSleep today to help you get back on track.
10. Do not eat a large meal late in the evening. Try to have your last, light meal by 6 or 7 pm if possible to avoid putting stress on your metabolism.
To ensure you have all of your bases covered try taking our Top-Rated Multivitamin TrueBasics A/O. TrueDetox and Cleanse is the perfect product to kickstart your spring cleaning!

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