Bodybuilding - Midnight Muscle
While you're lost in deep sleep, you're body undergoes a metabolic nervous breakdown. All day long, you calorically spoil it with nutrient-rich snacks every few hours.
As a result it begins to rely on these treats to keep things running in order. How else would you expect it to react when you suddenly neglect it for 6-10 hours each and every night? Simple solution.
Get in the habit of preparing a small protein shake right before bed. Not only will this prevent your muscles from starving all night, but it will also keep your metabolism running strong. If you're not allergic to dairy, certain milk-derived proteins such as Casein and Calcium Caseinate gel in the gut, and digest slowly. This makes it possible to utilize more amino acids and peptides over sustained periods, such as sleep.
If you value your sleep, make sure that your PM shake is free of caffeine or other herbal stimulants. You can't grow if you don't sleep.
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